John Alexander
Select Publications
Julia Reed, “John Alexander’s True Nature,” August 12, 2008.
Christopher Hann, “All Over the Map.” June 2008.
Ann Landi, “Fouls and Ghouls,” January 2008.
Edmund P. Pillsbury, “John Alexander: 35 Years of Works on Paper,” April 2003.
Gerard Haggerty, “John Alexander: Parallel Worlds,” March 2001.
Colacello, Bob. "Studios by the Sea," Vanity Fair, August 2000, pp. 138-154. de Lima Greene, Alison. Texas: 150 Works from the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, NY, 2000.
Hughes, Robert. "Weird and Beautiful Danger," Men's Journal, March 2000, pp. 101-108.
Scott, Leisa. "Stuff Art, Let's Fish," The Australian Magazine, 1999, pp. 30-34.
Glueck, Grace. "Art in Review: John Alexander," The New York Times, Dec. 25, 1998.
Konigsberg, Eric. "Big Man on Canvas," New York Magazine, Dec. 14, 1998. pp. 42-48.
Peppard, Alan. "John Alexander; Lone Star Expatriate Paints His Own Path in New York," The Dallas Morning News, Nov. 29, 1998, Sec. E, pg. 1 & 4.
Driscoll, John & Skolnick, Arnold. The Artist and the American Landscape, First Glance Books, 1998, p. 87.
Sigesmund, B.J. "Setting up Shop in Soho," Southern Accents, September/October, 1998, pp. 172-178.
Singer, Sally. "On Golden Pond," British Vogue, September 1998, pp. 340-345.
Thomas, Michael. "The Artists and the Importance of Place," Hampton's Country, July 1998, pp. 110-116.
Landi, Ann. "Barn on the Bayou," Architectural Digest, July 1998, pp. 142-147.
Waddington, Chris. "Art- His Oils Come Brilliantly to Life," New Orleans Times Picayune, May 29, 1998, Lagniappe Section, pp.14-15.
Hogrefe, Jeffrey. "Wet Dreams Sunk at Auction," New York Observer, March 23, 1998, p.30.
Landi, Ann. "Framed," Bloomberg Personal, March 1998, pp. 94-96.
Rimanelli, David. "Lofty Ideas," Elle Décor, August/September 1997, pp.192-200.
Winter, Roger. On Drawing, 2nd Edition, Collegiate Press, San Diego, CA, 1997, p.91.
Kutner, Janet. "Emerging from Darkness," The Dallas Morning News, May 5, 1997, Today Section, p. 1C-5C.
Kutner, Janet. "Passion for Plants Pushes Demons Out of the Picture," The Dallas Morning News, April 25, 1997, p. 26.
"Openings." Art & Antiques, April 1997, p. 28. Grimes, Nancy. "John Alexander at Marlborough," Art in America, February 1997, p. 105- 106.
Tasker, Georgia. "Creativity Flowers When Artists Turn Eyes, Souls on their Gardens." The Miami Herald, January 19, 1997, pp. 1H-, 9H.
Stevens, Mark. "Art in the Moment," New York Magazine, October 14, 1996, p. 98.
Kutner, Janet. "Art Review: Texas Bound," The Dallas Morning News, June 27, 1996.
"Masked Messages," Galleries: The Guide, Aspen Magazine, Spring, 1996, p. 70.
Wright, Taylor. "Childhood Memories Influence Artists Work," Weekly Hornet, Arts & Entertainment, March 11, 1996, p.6.
Rosenbush-Methner, Ellen. "Best of the West," Southwest Art, April 1995, p. 28.
Johnson, Patricia C. "Alexander's Creatures Depicted in Vignettes," Houston Chronicle, May 19, 1995, Art Review, Section D, pp. 1-4.
Johnson, Patricia-Covo. Contemporary Art in Texas, Roseville East, Australia: Craftsmen House with G&B Arts International, 1995, pp. 24-27.
Kutner, Janet. "Ex-Texan's Art Gives Tradition a Dark Twist," The Dallas Morning News, December 18, 1994.
Elliott Bevlin, Marjorie. Design Through Discovery: An Introduction to Art & Design, 6th edition, Harcourt Brace College Publishing, 1994.
Peppard, Alan. "Brought Together by Fete," The Dallas Morning News, November 7, 1994.
Plimpton, George. The Paris Review (cover), Vol. 36, No. 131, Summer 1994.
LeRoy, Bridget. "Texas Twang in Amagansett," The Independent, August 31, 1994, pp. 57-58.
Moorman, Margaret. "Stranger than Paradise," ArtNews, vol. 93, no. 6, Summer 1994, p. 175.
Johnson, Richard, and Kimberly Ryan. "Talking Beasts," New York Post, March 15, 1994, p.6.
Tuchman, Maurice. The Mask as Art: Masquerade, San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1993.
Juhnson, Patricia C. "Unveiling the Mask," Houston Chronicle, October 28, 1993. Sec. C, pp. 1-, 8.
McKenzie, Michael. "Oil Futures and Animal Husbandry: John Alexander's Bird's Eye View," Sunstorm, Vol. XVII, No. 3, Summer 1992, pp. 41-43.
Slesin, Suzanne. "John Alexander," The East Hampton Star, 27 East, Labor Day 1992, pp. 26-27.
Thomas, Michael.M. "Review," The New York Observer, February 24, 1992.
Daxland, John T. "John Alexander's Brush Tickles," Daily News, Weekend Extra, February 22, 1992, p. 11.
McGovern, Michael. "Artists' Brush with Greatness," Daily News, February 6, 1992, p. 25.
Pinchbeck, Daniel. "Urbane Cowboy," Connoisseur, February 1992, p. 89.
"New York View: John Alexander at Marlborough Gallery," The Antique Collector, vol. 63, no. 1, December 1991, p. 39.
Curtis, Cathy. "Hollywood Collects," ArtNews, November 1991, pp. 100-107.
Kutner, Janet. "Wild Grows Alexander's Oasis," The Dallas Morning News, November 7, 1991, sec. C, pp. 5-6.
McKenna, George. "Contemporary American Graphics Enter Collection," The NelsonAtkins Museum of Art, October 1991, pp. 2-3.
Sims, Robert Stokes, Lisa M. Messinger and Robert Rosenblum. “The Landscape in Twentieth-Century American Art: Selections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art”, New York: The American Federation of Arts and Rizzoli, 1991.
Pacheco, Patrick. "The New Faith in Painting," Art & Antiques, May 1991, pp. 56-69, 96-97.
McKenna, Kristine. "John Alexander's Masterfully Frightful World, Los Angeles Times, February 22, 1991, p.F16.
DeVuono, Frances. "John Alexander: Marlborough," Artnews, Summer 1990, vol. 89, no. 6, pp.166-167.
Forty Texas Printmakers, edited by James Fisher & Andrea Karnes, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, 1990, p. 60. "Review", Christian Science Monitor, June 1990.
Thomas, Michael M. "Court Painter to the Millenium," Smart, no. 9, May 1990, pp. 56-63.
"Art Today, New York, NY," Arts Video News Service, vol. II, no. 2, 1990.
Gardner, Paul. 'How to Succeed (by really trying)," Artnews, vol. 89, no. 2, February 1990, p. 136.
Enders, Alexandra. "Coming to Light: Substance and Style," Art & Antiques, February 1990, p. 31.
Chadwick, Susan. "An Artfelt Homecoming," The Houston Post, November 23, 1989, pp E1- 8.
Gonzalez, Aliana. "Itinerario plastico," El Nacional, Caracas, October 15, 1989.
Calcano, Isabel Cristina. "Alexander's Works Filled with Nature, Power, Surprises," Caracas, October 15, 1989, p. 19.
"John Alexander Pinta la Incencia Seductora de la Naturaleza," El Universal, Caracas, October 13, 1989.
Monsalve Reno, Yasmin. "La Pintura de Alexander Revela su Preocupacion por el Hombre," El Diario De Caracas, October 13, 1989.
Temin, Christine. "Perspectives," Boston Globe, May 18, 1989.
"Taking the Plunge for Ex-Houston Artist Talks about Risks, Rewards of Moving to the Big Apple," Houston Chronicle, April 23, 1989.
"The Artist of the Eighties," Dialogue, no. 84, 1988, pp. 64-71.
Merkel, Jayne. Review, Artforum, vol. 27, no.3, November 1988, p. 151.
"John Alexander: Paintings & Drawings 1980-1988," The Meadows Museum Newsletter, Fall 1988, p.2.
Jarmusch, Ann. "Texas Painter Captures Bayou Magic," Dallas Times Herald, September 16, 1988, pp. F1-4.
Kutner, Janet, "John Alexander's Nightmare Visions: Powerful Works Grip the Viewer," Dallas Morning News, August 18, 1988, sec. C, pp. 5, 9.
Mitchell, Charles Dee. "Loud but Lifeless," Dallas Observer, August 11, 1988, p. 13.
Jarmusch, Ann. "Texan's Complex Paintings Offer Erie Tales to Unravel," Dallas Times Herald, August 4, 1988, pp. G1-3.
Curtis, Cathy. Review, Los Angeles Times, June 10, 1988, sec. VI, p. 13.
Findsen, Owen. "Flurry of Brooding Images Capture an Artist's Unbridled Fury," The Cincinnati Enquirer, May 13, 1988, p. B17.
Litt, Steve. "Instant Collection, Timeless Appeal," The News and Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 17, 1988, sec. E, p. 3.
Halperen, Max. "The Uses of Fantasy," Leader Magazine, April 28, 1988, pp. 16-18.
"Home Furnishings," Los Angeles Times Magazine, October 25, 1987, pp. 38-39.
Gambrell, Jamey. "Art Capital of the Third Coast," Art in America, April 1987, pp. 186-202.
Poirer, Maurice. "New York Reviews: John Alexander," Artnews, vol. 86, no.3, March 1987, p. 150.
Raynor, Vivien. Review, The New York Times, January 2, 1987, p. C19.
Rose, Barbara. American Painting: Twentieth Century, Skira, 1986, pp. 162, 164.
Muchnic, Suzanne. "The Art Galleries (Jan Turner Gallery)," Los Angeles Times, April 4, 1986.
Nelson, James R. "Painting is a Biting, Fabulous Commentary on Easter," The Birmingham News, March 23, 1986, p. 7F.
Tasset, Jean-Marie. "Alexander: La Nouvelle Vague Americaine," Figaro, November 5, 1985, p.31.
Rose, Barbara and Susan Kalil. Fresh Paint: The Houston School, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas Monthly Press, 1985.
Gibson, Michael. "133 Galleries Showing Works at Paris Art Fair," International Herald Tribune, October 5-6, 1985.
Chadwick, Susan. "Still Life with Tomcat: A Portrait of John Alexander in New York," Houston Style, July 1985, pp. 58-63.
Hughes, Robert. "Careerism and Hype Amid the Image Haze," Time, June 17, 1985, pp. 78- 83.
Rose, Barbara. "Rule Breakers," Vogue, June 1985, pp. 246-252.
Everingham, Carol, J. "Fresh Paint: The Houston School," Arts, Summer 1985, pp. 74-77.
Brenson, Michael. "Art: The Paintings of John Alexander," The New York Times, February 8, 1985.
"Where the Wild Things Are," Art and Antiques, February 1985, p. 27.
"An Interview with Barbara Rose," Artspace, Winter 1984-85, cover, p. 8.
McCloud, Janet. "A Synthesis of Images," Artweek, Los Angeles, vol. 15, no. 38, November 10, 1984, p. 7.
Pincus, Robert L. Review, Los Angeles Times, November 9, 1984.
Drohojowska, Hunter. "Pick of the Week," L.A. Weekly, October 25, 1984.
Everingham, Carol. "Alexander's Wildlife to Set Mood for Grand Gala," The Houston Post, October 14, 1984.
Johnson, Patricia. "Ex-Houston Painter Feels Comfortable with his Emotional and Professional Maturity," Houston Chronicle, October 14, 1984, p. 16.
Donohoe, Victoria. Reconciling the Traditional and the Modern," Philadelphia Inquirer, May 18, 1984.
Johnson, Patricia. "Alexander's Depth Emerges in Show," Houston Chronicle, January 28, 1984.
New Narrative Paintings Bass, Ruth. "New York Reviews," Artnews, November 1983, p. 199.
Beardsley, Ruth. "John Alexander," Art International, August 1983, pp.38-42.
Hughes, Robert. "Revelations of Summertime," Time, July 11, 1983, pp.62.
Russell, John. Review, The New York Times, July 1, 1983, sec. C, p. 21.
Rose, Barbara. "Letter to a Young Artist," Vanity Fair, July 1983, pp. 66-69. "Metropolitan Museum Gets Alexander Work," Houston Chronicle, June 11, 1983, sec. 2, p. 6.
Benge, Glenn. "John Alexander," New Art Examiner, Summer 1983, p. 17.
Sozanski, Edward J. "Underrated John Alexander Shines in Exhibit Here," Philadelphia Inquirer, April 9, 1983, sec. D, p. 4.
Johnson, Patricia. "Alexander Expertly Maintains Control in Explosive Visions," Houston Chronicle, October 1, 1982.
Lucas, Scott. "John Alexander," New Art Examiner, May 1982, p. 15.
Richard, Paul. "Review of John Alexander at Diane Brown Gallery," The Washington Post, February 27, 1982.
Tennant, Donna. "Fierce Determination, Technical Bravado," Ultra, October 1981, p. 15.
Haydon, Harold. "Alexander Show Combines Expressionism and Imagery," Chicago Sun- Times, September 11, 1981, pp. 85-86.
"Review of John Alexander at Doebrick Gallery," Chicago Tribune, August 4, 1981, sec. 3, p. 13.
Richard, Paul. "On Unnatural Ground," The Washington Post, February 29, 1980, sec. D, p. 1.
Frank, Peter. "New York Reviews: John Alexander," Artnews, vol. 77, no. 2, February 1978, pp. 140-141.
Florescu, Michael. "John Alexander," Arts Magazine, vol. 52, no. 5, January 1978, p. 3.
Lubell, Ellen. "John Alexander," Arts Magazine, vol. 52, no. 4, December 1977, p. 29.
Richard, Paul. "The Corcoran's Bienniel Show," The Washington Post, February 25, 1977, sec. B, p. 1.
Moser, Charlotte. "Southern Apocalypse," Artnews, vol. 75, no. 8, October 1976, pp. 95-98.
Crossley, Mimi. "The World of John Alexander," The Houston Post, August 17, 1975, p. 26.